Seamus Johnston  | | (814) 317-6874
Cheerful drawing of smiling person listening to music

the raison d'être of this design

Minimalism is not a blank white page eating 5 megabytes of your data plan, heating your device, wasting your battery, harming the environment, and taking years to download.

Minimalism is all the information you want, instantly, uncluttered, visually-pleasing.

The page you are looking at transfered 18 kilobytes to your computer. This entire site could be zipped up and fit on a floppy disk. Nothing is "minified". You can look at the source.

When a potential customer visits your website, what do they want more: to find the price of your widget; the hours of your business; the contact number for your sales team?

Or to watch your JavaScript animations load?

my skills

Want something to share with a client or your boss? Download the pdf résumé.

what I think I'm best at

Python React Ansible Linux MySQL "DevOps"

every single technology I have used to solve a problem or complete a project

Ruby, Python, Bash, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, C++, Ada, Visual Basic, Java, Scala, Haskell
Django, Rails, React, Vue, Spring
Markup & Formating
Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Slackware, QubesOS, Arch, Android, Puppy, Alpine
IDEs & Editors
vim, Atom, Eclipse
Dev Tools
git, regex, scalastyle, pylint
Build Tools
sbt, npm, Make, g++, gradle, rake
Artifactory, Drone, Jenkins, SonarQube, CircleCI, Apache Airflow, GitLab runners
Cloud Providers
OVH, Linode, ScaleWay, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Provider (GCP)
Virtual Machine & Containerization
Vagrant, Docker, kubernetes, Citrix Xen, Xen Orchestra
Configuration Management
CFEngine, Ansible, Terraform
Linux Tools
logrotate, rsync, cron, gpg, logical volume management (LVM), netstat, nmap, grep, find, curl, jq, dd
pfsense, HAProxy, Bind9, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, FTP, NFS
MySQL, SQLite, Percona XtraBackup, Cassandra
ElasticSearch, SphinxSearch
Mailman, Exim, Postfix
Service Discovery
Apache, NGINX
Have Hosted
MediaWiki, Request Tracker, Open Journal Systems (OJS), Hashicorp Vault, OpenEdx
Logging & Monitoring
Icinga2, Sensu, Prometheus, Kibana, Grafana, PagerDuty, New Relic, FluentD
Markdown, LaTeX, Wiki
Video, Audio, & Design
Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape, Terragen, Sony Vegas Pro, Audacity

Ask me about any of these in a job interview! 😀

about me

I sing in the shower. I like spiders. I'll eat carrots but I prefer broccoli.

I got my first computer when I was five. I went to college for computer science. I interned in data science engineering for a global retailer. I did system administration for a top 1,000 (by web traffic) site for three years.

I built online educational platforms for some of the most well-known universities in the world, working fully remote on a globally distributed team.

In my current role, I rewrite legacy HTML markup into ADA compliant React.js for one of the biggest banks in America.

In past lives, I have variously done: paralegal work in state and federal cases; IT work in the national office of a political organization; crisis line operation; and bad poetry.

New technologies are fun, but I value stability. User experience matters more than showing off. Tech debt is real money. 5000 kilobytes and 5 lines of bootstrap do not a developer make (but we all start somewhere and that is ok).

talks I've given

Intro to Systems Administration at Code & Supply, 2017

My Laptop's Little Cloud, QubeOS at Code & Supply, 2018

A Contributor's Journey with Xavier at Open edX Conference, 2019